Facchini's brothers, CEO of Mat.en

Aiming to become a point of reference of the mats and of the carpets  first in Italy and then in Europe, the first of july 2009, Mat.en was born.

This company takes over the historical ARWEI ITALIANA that is over  thirty years of experiences and research in the production of mats with aluminium structure.

Giancarlo and Luca succeeded their father, Delfino, at the helm of the company and they immediately begin to broaden horizons through the purchase of new equipment, new techniques and the expansion of the historical product range.

Innovation and traditions go hand in hand in a company that makes its strenght being family-run business.

This ensures the flexibility of production and the maximum attention to the costumer, thanks to an evergrowing and qualified team.

The certification ISO 9001:2000 and the semi-handi made totally Made in Italy guarantee the quality of products and the attention on the details, typical of the Italian spirit.

The big investiments in search and development, combined with the inclusion in its work force of increasingly skilled and specialized figures, bring in a short time to the birth of many new products, to the optimization and the improvement of the historical ones.

Thanks to new production divisions and internetional agreements of exclusivity for the italian territory, Mat.en can offer a complete overview of products that range from economic carpet to technical aluminium mats with exlusive finishes.

The buisness flexibility and the relevant area dedicated to storage, finished or to be processed in the new operating headquarters in Artogne, opened in june 2020, allows the company to respond quickly to all the requests of their valuable customers.

The new headquarter


In order to achieve the maximum specialization Mat.en took the path of creation different compartments with well-defined roles and skills. The Mat.en’s organisation chart today consists of:

Risorsa 8

Commercial sector

Chaired by Luca Facchini responsible for providing the maximum customer service, draw up ad hoc estimates, commercial visits or in the construction site for design assistance and the choice of suitable carpets finishes.

Risorsa 7

Designed section / certification

Increasingly aware of the importance of certifications and realization of innovative and green products this branch of the company led by the engineer Giancarlo Facchini, deals witch research and development and relations with new and historical suppliers and certification bodies to keep the Mat.en proposal always updated.

Risorsa 3

Graphic section

In addition to the promotional material and to the technical data sheets of the proposed articles, our internal graphic sector produces the drafts for all personalized inlaid carperts and printed, allowing us in short time to realize render and help retailers and customers with the final choice of the colour and the carpet itself.

Risorsa 5

Technical mats section

Our operators are specialized in the production of aluminium and plastic technical mats, in their inlay and in the realization (thanks also to the presence of an internal carpentery) of every optional that are planned or that the client can request such as: recessed frames, steel thresholds, connecting profiles, storage and draining tanks, laser engraving for the Bart customisation ecc.. The staff is equipped with of all the required tools and permission for: inspection, reparations and installation of frames and mats directly at the construction site.

Risorsa 4

Traditional mat section

Aided by the most efficient cutting plotter and by the vectorial graphics drafts sent by the client or made by our graphic section, the operators realize inlays with highly-skilled craftsmanship, welding of the patches and application of mats to add pvc ramps.. The staff is equipped with of all the required tools and permissions for: inspection, reparation and installation of frames and mats directly at the construction site.

Risorsa 6

Printing sector

The digital printing is becoming increasingly popular also in the field of mats and Mat.en wanted to take this new opportunity by investing in the UV print, in the sublimatic one and creating partnerships with important European companies that deal exclusively with print on carpets and moquettes. Thanks to this, Mat.en is able to produce, for example, floor made in pvc or promotional carpets for events, submitted carpets and moquettes for hotels or accomodations facilites.


In a perspective increasingly green Mat.en has realized in the new headquarters only state-of-the-art led lighting and heated rooms with electric heat pumps which, togheter with the driving form that feeds the production machines, are supported by a solar power system installed on the roof of the factory.

Froma mid-2020, are av available recycled aluminium profiles are avaiable, made thanks to the withdrawal, the disposal, the riextrusion of old aluminium of technical carpets and the waste of extrusion and processing meanwhile the anti-ecology anodizing of profiles is now supported and replaced by natural varnishing.

The needle punched used for the technical mats and for the inlaid mats is made with a bottom that came from recycling of old airplanes tyres as well as the sheaths used for the joining of the patches and the bottom of the inlaid doormats.

From the perspective of the most restrictives protocols for constructions and the well-being of people (LEED e WELL) have been introduced exclusive finishes that involve the use of natural fibers and others ade through the reworking of disused fishing nets recovered from seas and oceans (Econyl® project) in addition, every single Mat.en packaging are recyclable and correctly disposable.

Mat.en strongly belives that an excelent cleaning barrier at the entrance effectively impacts on the respect of the environment cutting down in a drastic way the use ofharmful detergents and that the excelent quality of the raw materials and the substitutability and the possibility to regenerate the carpets making them way more enduring is the first step toward a minor cosumerism and less exploitation of the world resources.

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+001 234 56 78